So we've all heard by now for PIPA, SOPA and rest of the actions aimed to control Internet. Are they gonna make it or not, we shall see. Finaly, in Belgrade is scheduled debate on this matter. ACTA Talks or Stop ACTA debate will take place in o3one artspace tomorrow Feb 9th 19.30h. Everyone are welcome!
The host of this debate will be Serbian Pirate Party, that made some buzz because of recent events. Political parties dont show panic, but there is concern that betrayed voters will make some different choice. It's easy when they have usual political opponents, but how to deal with Pirates ?
Anyway, this debate should inform citizens of Serbia and raise the awareness about ACTA and its bad consequences.
When they need to agree TO CONTROL they do it overnight, and for GLOBAL CLIMATE ACTIONS they need more than 20 years!
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